pet incinerator

The incinerator plant shall incorporate a control panel for its operation. On the control panel we shall have a visual

display of the chamber temperatures. This visual display must control and monitor the incinerator and his performance.

Capacity of destruction in weight shall be 60 Kg/h.

It should be able to operate not less than 10 hours/day

This incinerator must be able to destruct all combustible wastes produced by hospitals, private clinics, laboratories,

institutes, etc…

Design Specification : Types A, B, C, D, and E of medical waste

Supply, installation & testing DUCTED SPLIT UNITS at waste store with sufficient capacity to maintain the internal

temperature at 14 degrees Celsius in summers and winters

mobile incinerator

  1. Petrol: diesel


  1. Consumption: 8-10liter/hour


  1. Capacity: to cremate (carrion and spoils) 350-400kg/hour


  1. Temperature: 900-1350?C


  1. Operation temperature: -30~40?C


  1. Incinerator weight: 1800-2000 kg


  1. Volume: 0.70-0.80m/cube


  1. Exterior dimension: 1.4-1.6*1.0-1.15m (L*W)

An incinerator represents a complete solution to the problem of disposal of all hospital waste types. The liquid fuel

is diesel. The incinerator should meet the environment standards. Expected Technical specifications



The incinerator shall be fully self contained. incinerators that are stainless

steel with destruction rate of 15kg per hr. bactch load of 10-15kg of

waste and average temperature of 8500 degress c.

hospital incinerator

* Burner with fuel, mono-bloc casting guiding type with horizontal flame, lighting and safety of electronic ignition, permanent ventilation, electromagnetic sluice gate of regulation and isolating valve.
* A secondary injection of air to ensure perfect oxygen content.
19.    A control box ensuring the complete cycle of combustion.

20.    Fan:
* Electro-ventilator distributing the secondary air, the regulation of the air flow being carried out by valves and following the control of the automatic cycle.
21.    Controls and regulations:
Control box watertight to dust, including:

* A switch circuit breaker for each engine (ventilators and burners).
* A timer with adjustable temporization for the regulation of each burner.
* A regulator with digital watching for the temperature of combustion.
* A regulator with digital watching for the temperature of postcombustion.
* Electric box.

21. The de- ashing must be done in the bottom of the combustion chamber or the deashing should be Automatic or manual batch de ashing.
22. Process Filtering system : Scruber to be mentionned as optional
23. Emission Standards Compliance: BS 3316 or équivalent standard
23. Capacity to treat Plastic: Not less than 40% by weight
24. CE Manufacturing Compliance: BS EN 746-2-1997
22.    The supplier must give batches of spare parts of first urgency and consumable of the incinerator.
23.    The installed incinerator must bear a one year guarantee.
24.    The supplier shall perforn an onsite installation of the incinerator.
25. The technical training of operators will have to be provided and given by a technician from
the factory; it will consist of curative and preventive maintenance, and the use of machine, etc

NB.: Civil works and any other related services for the installation and training of operators must be included in the incinerator’s price.
Specification for the shelter of the incinerator: House of the incinerator inclusive in offer (the house must have facilities for hand washing and firefighting).
This material and equipment must include in the shed of the incinerator: foundation in rubble stone, isolation roofing against humudity; elevation with brick of 20 cm (bloc cement), continuing lintel (linteau) in reinforced concrete; steel frame (charpente en metal); roofing in sheet B.C.A. 28 BG (Toiture en t?le),metal gutter, sanitary installation (wash basin, soakway pit of 20 m of depth); ash pit of 30 m3,electrical installation; concrete slab for fixing the incinerator; chanel for evacuation of rain water or waste water, wire mesh for aeration up the lintel; smooth rougtcasting of walls (interior and outside);plinth with cement; 2 metal doors ;email paintings inside and latex paintings outside the house on walls and on doors; roofing limit (planche de rive); measures for this specification will depend on the size of the incinerator which will determine the size of the shed of the incinerator., etc

medical incinerators

* medical incinerators, The insulation of the combustion chamber should be composed of refractory bricks, having a
high content of aluminium and insulates bricks in order to assure a minimum temperature on
the outside sheet metal.
* Composition of the refractory;

?    Refractory concrete :
?    . Thickness    : ≥100 mm
?    . Nature: 42% of Al203
?    Insulate in fibrous panels :
?    . Thickness: ≥75 mm
?    Nature: Calcium silicate.
* Burner of lighting of waste, with fuel, standard mono-bloc casting guiding  plunging flame, lighting and safety of electronic ignition, permanent ventilation, electromagnetic sluice gate of regulation and isolating valve.
* Plate of combustion in Carborundum, avoiding the fixing of glass and slags.

18.    A chamber of post combustion of gases
* A burner of combustion of gases,
* A device of injection of air allowing a total recombustion of gases,
* A device of air inlet of cooling of waste gases,
* A sheath of evacuation of the gases burnt.
* Carcass in strong sheet steel with support of connection.
* Composition of the refractory;
?    Refractory concrete :
?    Thickness    : ≥150 mm
?    Nature: 65% of Al203
?    Insulate in fibrous panel :
?    Thickness: ≥85 mm
?     Nature: Calcium

pet incinerator for sale

1.    Capacity of destruction in weight: 60 Kg/h.
2.    It should be able to operate not less than 10 hours/day
3.    This incinerator must be able to destruct all combustible wastes produced by hospitals, private clinics, laboratories, institutes, etc…
4.    Design Specification : Types A, B, C, D, and E of medical waste
5.    “PYROLYTIC” combustion, by controlling the gasification of waste.
6.    The incinerator must avoid the release of black smoke and fine dust, during the loadings.
7.    It should be able to reduce the volume of wastes by 98%.
8.    It should be able to hold emission in the second burn with gas residence of not less than 2 seconds.
9.    The incineration should be completely free from visible smoke as well as offensive odours.
10.    The lower calorific power (L.C.P) of this waste will be 3,500 kcal/kg
?    The Temperatures of combustion: Minimum will be 850oC and max 1400oC
?    Post combustion: >1100oC.
11.    The Internal diameter of the Chimney: ? 400 and its height: 8 m
12.    The Volume of the combustion chamber: 1.200 L
13.    The Dimension of the door for loading in cm: 70×70.
14.    Burner operation should be Automatic On/Off
15.    Fuel : diesel
16.    The supplier must provide  necessary information for the best of  the installation
This incinerator with “PYROLYTIC” combustion must have:
17.    A combustion chamber of waste:
* Perfectly tight door for the manual loading of waste. The loading should be Manual, Batch Load
* A burner of lighting which the use is limited to the ignition of waste.
* Frontage of loading with door seals gone up on hinges, wheel of screw plug, flexible joint, and stuffing insulating out of refractory.

hospital incinerator design


Capacité destructive de 55 Kg/h jour de déchets hospitaliers  avec un p?.c. i jusqu’à 3.200 Kcal/Kg
1)Type de déchet

2)Pouvoir calorifique inférieur                                                                        3.200 kcal/kg
3)Humidité                                                                                                          20%
4)Teneur  en cendres et/ou inertes                                                                       8%
5)Capacité destructive nominale                                                                         55 kg/h
6)Volume chambre de combustion                                                                     1,65 m3
7)Volume chambre postcombustion                                                                   2.1 m3
8)Temps  transit des fumées en post combustion /sec.                                       <2
9)Température minimale  en postcombustion                                                     1.100° C
10)Teneur d’oxygène libre en postcombustion                                                     6%
11)Attribution refuse confectionné en sachets                                                     HDPE
12)Dispositif de chargement?: hydraulique?; capacité de charge                           0.5 m3

13)Combustible prévu                                                                                           Gasoil
14)Br?leur en chambre de combustion                                                                  nbr?: 1
15)Br?leur en chambre de postcombustion                                                           nbr?: 2

Système de chargement hydraulique afin de pouvoir charger le four en toute sécurité même durant son  fonctionnement et

aussi assurer la puissance destructive globale de 450 kg/j?
Le système comprend?:
1-1Trémie de chargement de forme parallélépipédique de 0,5 m3 de volume, réalisée en t?le d’acier, bridés sur la paroi

frontale de la chambre de combustion et munie d’un couvercle à charnières  actionné par vérin hydraulique?.
oLongueur 1200 mm
oHauteur 700 mm
oLargeur  600
1-2Un poussoir hydraulique  assurera le chargement de la chambre de combustion
1-3 Une  porte de chargement  de la chambre de combustion constituée  d’une  guillotine  à vérin hydraulique  revêtue

de réfractaire
1-4Un central  hydraulique pour piloter tous les vérins de commande, comprenant?: réservoir, pompe, électrovannes et



2-1- Le bati est une  structure métallique cylindrique revêtue intérieurement  d’une couche d’isolant et d’une

couche de réfractaire.
2-2-Volume intérieur?: 1,65 m3
?portillon de décharge  des cendres?:  frontal?; monté sur double charnière et revêtu de réfractaire avec hublot

?La connexion à la chambre de chargement est revêtue de réfractaire
?La connexion  de la   chambre de combustion et de la chambre de post combustion est revêtue de réfractaire
?Installation des bruleurs
?Installation  du système  de distribution de l’air comburant
?Installation des  sondes  de mesure de la température
?Le bac de récolte des cendres  est en acier au carbone sur roulettes, équipé de racloir métallique permettant

l’évacuation manuelle des cendres
Un bruleur de type à une flamme à l’air soufflé, alimenté par gasoil, équipé des dispositifs de sécurité  Puissance

thermique installée 165 KW.
Le système de distribution et dosage de l’air primaire en chambre de combustion comprend?:
?Ventilateur centrifuge
?Canalisations de distribution air
?Systéme de distribution d’air à 2 canaux
?Soupape de régulation de l’air motorisé selon les phases de cycle de fonctionnement et de la température

5-1- Chambre de post combustion est installée au dessus du foyer  de combustion , elle  est constituée d’un

cylindre  métallique  revêtu intérieurement d’une couche d’ isolant et d’une couche de matériaux réfractaires.
5-2- Volume intérieur?: 2,1 m3
Est dimensionnée pour pouvoir  garantir  un temps de fumée de 2 secondes à 1100°C avec un pourcentage d’oxygène libre

d’au moins 6 %.
5-3 -Accessoires
?Trappe de visite boulonnée frontal pour permettre l’inspection périodique
?La liaison à la chambre de combustion est tapissée de réfractaire
?Installation les br?leurs
?Installation des sondes de mesure température
?Ventilateur centrifuge
?Tuyauteries  de distribution d’air
?Série  de vannes de distribution  d’air
?Soupape de régulation de l’air soufflé  asservi par la sonde du débit  d’ oxygène

Sont prévus 2 br?leurs du type à l’air soufflé au gasoil équipés  des dispositifs de sécurité.
A la mise en route du four les deux  br?leurs sont  allumés pour assurer la température minimale d’au moins 1100°C?;

ils restent en marche successivement  pour maintenir la température constante.
Puissance thermique installée (290 + 350) KW.

Constitué par un conduit métallique vertical de 8 m de long installée au-dessus de la  chambre de PC, diamètre 630 mm

en t?le d’acier au carbone avec garnissage intérieur en réfractaire

Composée  de?:
?Circuit  380 V- 50 HZ-3 phases
?Voyant sous tension
?Commande d’arrêt  général
?Voyant état des bruleurs
?Affichage des  températures  des deux chambres
?Minuterie des temps des cycles.
?Une variation des vitesses des ventilateurs
?Le tableau et les cablages sont prévus aux règles CEI avec protection IP 55
?Microprocesseur pour le contr?le et la régulation des températures, ainsi que les cycles d’opération
?Cablages réalisés selon les règles CEI.

Les  dispositifs suivants  sont prévus?:
1)Thermocouples pour la mesure de la température  en chambre de combustion? et postcombustion, à la sortie de

l’échangeur dans la section d’entrée du filtre
2)Système de mesure de la concentration d’oxygène dans les fumées humides a la sortie de la chambre de postcombustion

constitué de?:
?Sonde de mesure de l’oxygène à l’oxyde de zirconium
?Pompe à la membrane

medical incinerator primary combustion price

Our normal activities generates 2-5 tons of assorted waste materials per day which range from condemned carcasses, and medical incinerator primary combustion price

other wastes all which need to be incinerated at above 800Centigrade measured flue exhaust gas.To be used by small

hospitals and clinics to safely dispose of infectious and pathological wastes.

Load Capacity in the range of up to 200 kg
– Burning Rate approx. 50kg/Hour –

Incinerators to be very effective, fuel efficient with high / low capacity burn rates
and to be designed to meet the Norms of Pollution Control / DEFRA, etc. Technology:

Temperature Controlled Burner. Heavy-duty casing, to be a quality, rugged, reliable, economical Medical Waste

Incinerator with relevant control, easy to operate and self-contained. Type of Fuel: Diesel / Oil or Petrol.
Units to be pre-assembled, pre-piped, pre-wired & tested before Transport / Export.

Within the framework of an environmental and medical equipment & technology consultation and joint purchasing, this

Procurement Bureau invites applicants for pre-qualification in the aim of primarily selecting capable companies to bid

for the above tender.
The supply will comprise the special equipment for effective waste management as mentioned above for a new private

environment contract management company with planned operations 2013 in Indonesia and Thailand, and 2014 in West & East

Malaysia to carry out those professional services in order to comply with the governments safety disposal requirements

for medical and hospital, clinical waste in the region and to meet the higher technical standard in this particular

field.small incinerators with filter (with least minimum pollution) for burning/combusting 5kg/hr, 10kg/hr, 15 kg/hr,

20kg/hr, 25kg/hr to 50kg/hr and 300kg/hr of SOLID ORGANIC DRY AND WET NON-HAZARDUOUS of any kind (including hospital

wastes) per day or per hour. Should it be with no smoke, no fumes, no odour (smell), no dust, no emission of solid

particles and with least minimum pollution (within national and international standards). Must be environmentally

healthy and acceptable with international standards. Should not be with water scrubbers. Ash contents after burning

should be 3-4%.

waste incinerator manufacturers china

Capacity    Not less than 500Kg/hr.
Operation    24hr-7days/week continuous operation.
Combustion chamber    2 combustion chamber.
Temp.    First combustion chamber 800-1000 C.
Secandry combustion chamber 1000-1200 C, with the possibility to be upgraded to 1400 C.
Combustion Efficiency    99.99%
Retention time    Of the flow gases not less than 2 Sec in the hot portion.
Excess Oxygen concentration    Of primary combustion chamber 3-6% max.
Refractory    The chambers should be lined with high thermal insulating refractory bricks with suitable thickness and with highly temp. resistance. Not less than 1400 C for the first combustion chamber, and not less than 1600 C for the secandry combustion chamber, and at the same time prevent the Temp. of the outside body of the chamber not higher than 70 C.
Doors    Should be lined with the same bricks, and the edges lined with special suitable insulating material to prevent any gas escaping, and the doors should be kept under negative pressure during the operation.
Air Emission Control System    With high destruction and removal efficiency (DRE). Not less than 99.9999 as per KEPA.
Wet System    If the system equiped with a CEMS washing the flow gas with water, then it should be manufactured from suitable anti corrossion materials, and equiped with pH meter to measure and neutralize the water. It should be able to use the water in closed recycled circuit many times before treating/ discharging into the sewage system in compliance with KEPARS.
Chemical dosing    It should be equiped with suitable autochemical dosing system to control the pH for the water of the wet scrubber system including sensors.
Chimney    It should be suitable with the capacity and the technical specifications, with height not less than 12m from ground level. With easy opennable sampling point equal about 3 inch, and the optimum sampling locations is at least 8D downstream direction and 2D upstream from any flow disturbancies.
Sampling point    Should be equiped with a platform located down the sampling point by a distance not less than 1 m, and equiped with suitable stairs from ground to the port with comfortable slope.
Ash Removal    It should be auto ash removal system.
Fuel    It should be dual system, such as diesel and natural gas.
Feeding System    Should be auto feeding system into primary chamber.
Control Room    Should be equiped with a control panel shows Temp. of the combustion burners, gas monitoring, digital Temp. indecation for the primary/secondary chambers, digital Temp. indication for the gases…etc. it should be also Auto operation, burnures on/off auto lamps switch, auto start/stop for air emission control system, auto gas continuous monitoring system reading and print out of gas emission parameters…etc.
Cooling System    The primary chamber should be provided with auto cooling systemthrough nozzles to permit direct cooling if the Temp. will be heigher than 1100 C.
Inter-lock system    The incinerator should be equiped with inter-lock system to prevent feeding the waste to the primary chamber if the combustion Temp. less than 500 C.
Flue treatment and cleaning    To consist a combined system (wet/dry), using water, lime, active carbon and ceramic filters.
Quenching system/Heat exchanger    Should be made and manufactured from anti corrosion and acid attack materials such as stainless steel 316 or equivalent.
Noise Level    Not more than 85 dBA during normal operation.
Inaddition    The desigh should insure that responsive fail-safe control systems are used.
The incinerator should be installed inside closed suitable building with good aeration and ventilation system. The building has facilities for off-loading of wastes from transport vehicles. Auto cleaning system for trucks and waste containers, and cool storage area…etc.
The quotation should included list of original spare parts for 7 years.
The quotation should include supervising, starting up and training of the operators and ministry of health engineers inside/outside Kuwait.
Detailed drawings, catalogs should be included.